The Standard Operating Procedures in this library have been established to ensure consistency and compliance with Federal & State regulations, institutional policies, and best practices that are common to sponsored program management of all types.
All Standard Operating Procedures documents linked here are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
000. eRA Systems
- 001 Electronic Research Administration Portal Access
- 001G Account Set-up and Management
- 002G Account Set-up and Management [under construction]
- 003G eCommons Account Set-up and Management [under construction]
- 004G SciENcv Account Set-up and Management [under construction]
100. Pre-Award Management
- 101 Pre-Proposal Review and Submission
- 102 Proposal Review and Submission
- 103 Limited Submission Proposals
- 104 Expedited Proposal Review and Submission [under construction]
- 105 Unfunded Proposals
- 106 Foreign Components
200. Pre-Award Financial Management
- 201 Gift Versus Grant Determination
- 202 Allowable Costs
- 203 Participant Support Costs
- 204 Award Acceptance
- 206 Tuition Remission
- 207 Honoraria
300. Research Management
- 301 Export Controls
- 303 International Shipping
- 304 I-129 Deemed Export Attestation
- 305 Technology Control Plans
- 306 Responsible Conduct of Research
- 307 NSF Sexual Harassment Policy
- 308 Fly American Act
- 309 Consultant Conflict of Interest
- 310 UAV Operations
400. Subrecipient Management